(678) 999-8212
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Portland, OR
(678) 999-8212

Accident? Ask!™ is a Free 24/7 Helpline, Connecting Injured Individuals with Qualified Post-Accident Medical and Legal Professionals in Oregon and Washington State.

Accident? Ask!™ is more than just a helpline; it's your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of the claims process after an accident. We understand that accidents can be overwhelming, leaving you feeling lost and uncertain about your next steps. That's where we come in.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help ensure that anyone who has been injured in an accident receives the treatment and compensation that they deserve.

To achieve this we provide free, 24/7 access to compassionate and expert guidance for residents in Oregon and Washington State. Helping you with your accident claim and connecting you with the most qualified medical and legal professionals for your situation.

Knowing you have access to expert support with your accident claim can significantly reduce stress and anxiety during this challenging time.

Contact Us

We are here to help. Contact us today at ‪(503) 660-8191 for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your injury claim and help you get on the road to recovery, faster.


DISCLAIMER: Accident? Ask!™ is not a law firm, attorney or medical provider. We do not offer legal or medical advice, but rather, we are here to guide you to the best accident care providers in your area, helping to ensure that you recover faster financially, emotionally and physically after an accident.

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